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domestic telephone中文是什么意思

用"domestic telephone"造句"domestic telephone"怎么读"domestic telephone" in a sentence


  • 国内电话


  • There are abroad and domestic telephones , internet link , online tv , separate air - conditioner , entire sanitary ware , bedroom sets dubangan sleeping , which have reached four star standard
  • To make a call with your credit card , find a phone that says " international & domestic telephone . " you need to insert a 100 - yen coin ( which will be returned when you hung up ) to call the number specified for the credit card call by the phone company of your choice
    这些预付卡和电话卡一样,可以在车站的小卖部买到。信用卡电话使用写有“ international & domestictelephone ”的电话可以拨打。投入100日元(通话后返还) ,拨打所使用电话公司的登陆号码。
用"domestic telephone"造句  
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